Submitted by
{{ dump() }}
{{ dump(variable_name) }}
List available variables (at top level):
{{ dump(_context|keys) }}
If you have Devel module, you can get an accordion display of the variables available to twig with:
{{ devel_dump() }}
Debugging with console.log
We can add the following to a twig template and view the logs in the browser:
<script>console.log({{ _context | json_encode | raw}});</script>
Enable Twig debug mode in Drupal 10
drush twig:debug on && \
drush state:set disable_rendered_output_cache_bins 1 --input-format=integer && \
drush cache:rebuild
Disable Twig debug mode in Drupal 10
drush twig:debug off && \
drush state:set disable_rendered_output_cache_bins 0 --input-format=integer && \
drush cache:rebuild